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With winter on its merry way, one of the first things homeowners worry about is how to weather-proof their homes.

Winterizing your home means addressing potential plumbing issues before they become a problem.

Winterizing your pipes is critical, as water freezing inside your pipes expands them, producing pressure and causing damage. Many Nevada homeowners don’t realize they need to winterize their homes, but the truth is that even Nevada experiences wind chill and freezing.

Your plan to winterize your home begins with addressing these issues. With this information, you can avoid any potential problems.

Drain Water From Pipes & Water Heater

Shut off the water valve for your house followed by the water pump on the water heater. Open all the drain valves and taps in your house, ensuring you get each one to avoid a vacuum that holds water inside. You can even use an air compressor to blow out standing water.

You should also open the drain valve in your water tank, emptying it completely. If your tank does not have a floor drain, you need to connect a garden hose to it.

Know Which Pipes May Freeze

Some pipes are more prone to freezing than others. Assess the pipes in your home to determine which may be more vulnerable. These include the pipes outside and near windows. They are also the pipes that are uninsulated or near areas of the home that are not heated.

Insulate Pipes

Insulation sleeves and wrapping are great for keeping your pipes warm, preventing gaps in heating that allow the cold temps to creep in. Many ways to insulate pipes are useful. Some homeowners use tubular sleeves to wrap pipes throughout the house.

You may not think you need to protect your pipes living in Nevada, but the truth is that many pipes in Nevada are built for warm weather. They don’t offer all the insulation of pipes in homes built in colder parts of the country.

Fill in Gaps

If you notice any gaps in your walls or flooring, you need to fill them in with caulking or a foaming insulation.

Seal these gaps to prevent your interior pipes, like those under your sinks, from cooling down or freezing. You should also check the walls in your attics and crawlspaces. By doing this, you will also benefit from preventing cold air from interfering with the warmth of your home this winter.

If you have a large crawlspace, you might even want to consider blocking it off from the outside and sealing vents to prevent any cold air from making its way in. The goal is to keep the interior of your home warm enough to prevent interior pipes from freezing.

Don’t Forget Exterior Plumbing

The exterior plumbing is also a problem you should address before winter hits. Unplug and dump out garden hoses, storing them inside. Fall and early winter are also great times to assess your outdoor faucets. You might want to change them out for frost-proof faucets.

Winterizing Your Pipes with a Rakeman Professional

Does all of this sound like a lot of work? You’re not alone in thinking so. Hiring a professional to begin winterizing your pipes is a good idea. Our team understands your desire to maintain a working home every season of the year. Even if you don’t have anybody staying in your home throughout the winter months, you can’t leave plumbing unattended.

Rakeman Plumbing is available to help you winterize your home. Call us today to set up an appointment to look at your home and assess your plumbing. Winter is coming up, and it’s time to plan accordingly.