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Winter is peaking its jolly little head around the corner. Luckily we live in Las Vegas so winters really aren’t too gnarly. However, it doesn’t hurt to prep certain areas of your home a bit before winter makes a full appearance.

Simple tasks like cleaning our gutters and winterizing your swamp coolers can go a long way, even in Las Vegas’ mild winters. Without further ado, here are 6 Ways To Prep Your Home For Winter!

1. Store Outdoor Furniture

Perhaps the simplest of tasks. Sure your outdoor furniture is literally made to be outdoors, but why not save your furniture from monsoon season and possible frozen rains?

We know it’s kind of a bummer. You set up that outdoor space and made it nice and pretty, just to put it all away, but think of it this way– wouldn’t you rather get another several years out of that furniture?! Think of the future!

Go ahead and store it in the garage or shed for the winter, or even just stick it under the back patio awning so it’s out of the elements. If you don’t have anywhere to store your outdoor furniture, waterproof furniture covers are also a great option, and relatively cheap to find online!

2. Fix Driveway Cracks

#2 on our 6 Ways To Prep Your Home For Winter might seem a bit tedious, but trust us, it’s one of those things we all don’t normally think of right?

When water gets into those driveway cracks it’s possible it could freeze, expand, and make that pesky crack get even bigger (and more expensive to fix later on). Even small cracks, when in large numbers, can turn into much larger, more stress causing cracks, and can even cause the concrete to crumble.

And we’re sure you would probably prefer a nice smooth driveway, rather than one riddled with potholes, huh? Go ahead and grab a bottle of concrete crack filler at your local home repair store and “winterize” that driveway!

3. Spring and Fall HVAC Maintenance

Like most air and heating products, repairs and routine replacements are necessary after the winter and summer months in Las Vegas, Summerlin, Centennial Hills, Mountains Edge, and more!

Perhaps the thought of having to check all your air and plumbing systems right before winter is simply too much to bear. You have enough to worry about and clean before the holidays arrive!

Winter and holidays mean lots of warm food and warm bellies. From homemade apple cider, red wines, pumpkin bread, and turkey and gravy, you have gatherings and plenty of fun coming your way this season. It’s a good idea to make sure all of your systems are working correctly so that you won’t have to worry about the heater conking out during the big Thanksgiving feast!

No need to worry, you live in the Las Vegas area, which means you have access to the best HVAC peeps around– Rakeman Air!

Take advantage of our Spring and Fall HVAC maintenance in Las Vegas. This is where a Rakeman Air expert technician comes out to your home to run a routine system check on your A/C and heating unit.

We will run the system normally, do a routine check on it, and check to ensure the supply and return air temperatures are running properly! With our complete A/C and heating services, we ensure that your entire HVAC system is up to par, right before the holiday madness begins!

4. Clean The Gutters

Let’s be frank– who ever really thinks about the gutters? We’re talking about your home’s rain gutters. Yeah, those things on the rim of your roof that collects dirt, grime, dead bugs, dried leaves, and gallons on gallons of water every year…

Here’s the deal; if they’re clogged, you can end up with a flooded interior and damaged exterior. So cleaning them might be a good idea– whether you do it yourself, or call a professional, it’s never too late.

5. Winterize Your Coolers

Did you know you even had to store your swamp cooler in the winter months?

If water dripping from the cooler isn’t a sign that the unit needs repairs, we don’t know what is!

There are a few reasons why the water might be dripping so much.

Most often, it is due to improper storage of the cooling unit during the winter. Did you know you even had to store your swamp cooler in the winter months?

So yes, make sure that you store the unit properly during the winter. Before you store your swamp cooler for the winter, make sure to winterize it first!

Drain the unit, remove the pads, and clean the tank. Then store your swamp cooler in a covered, dry area until temperatures begin to rise again in the summer! Of course, if that seems like too much work, you can always call the professionals at Rakeman Air to winterize your swamp cooler for you!

Rakeman Air offers professional Spring and Fall HVAC maintenance in Las Vegas when you bring your swamp cooler back out for the summer, as well as swamp cooler shutdown and swamp cooler startup services in Las Vegas, Nevada!

6. Change The Air Filters

Last but not least on our 6 Ways To Prep Your Home For Winter is something that should be done typically every quarter, depending on your household. Did you know that not changing your air filters regularly actually costs you more money?

When your air filters are full, they cause quite a bit of strain on your home heating and cooling system. This in turn works your system harder, using more power to keep your home at temp, which significantly increases your utility bill.

Clean these filters quarterly, at the very least, not just before winter, and thank us later.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our 6 Ways To Prep Your Home For Winter with Rakeman Air. Happy Fall ya’ll, and we’ll see you next week! Don’t forget to have an experience Rakeman Air technician come out for your regular Spring and Fall HVAC maintenance in Las Vegas!

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